Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Ecommerce Solution Tips: Impulse Selling

If you are running an online business and you want to increase sales, this article is created just for you. More free online shop and ecommerce solutionestablishments are fighting for customers and the competition are now quite stiff. If you are selling general niche products such as gadgets and electronics or common books as well as other ordinary products, you need to be extra creative to increase your sales. One of the things you can do to increase sales and gain more customers is by taking advantage of customers’ impulse to buy stuff when they see them. It may be categorized as exploits, and it is commonly known as impulse selling.

Did you notice how Amazon and several other popular ecommerce sites usually ‘suggest’ other products to buy when you are buying the product you came to purchase? This is exactly what we call impulse selling; extra options and products are presented as the customer is finalizing the purchase of the product they intended to buy. You can use the same strategy on your site as well since most online store platforms have this capability built inside their core or have additional modules to enable you to practice impulse selling.

To make it more effective, you can also add offers and promotions to the suggestions you are presenting your customers with. Give extra discount for purchase of item B if the customer is purchasing item A at the same time, for instance, to boost the customers’ impulses to get item B instantly. The deal will be seen as beneficial in the eyes of customers, and they will most likely buy the two products even when their primary intention was to get item A.

Impulse selling is a very powerful ecommerce strategy you can use to increase sales. It can also be fine tuned and refined to help sell items that are less popular by offering good discounts on bundled purchases effectively. This way, the customer will see the item you are offering as more attractive and they will feel encourage to close the deal and make the purchase at that very moment.

Online Store Specials

One of the best things about selling products online is the low overhead cost. You don’t have to pay for monthly electricity and utility bills as well as other costs when you are opening an online business, and the overall cost of selling your products can be greatly reduced. You can actually allocate these reductions and savings to other posts that will help you generate more sales, such as promotional offers and discounts. These two ecommerce tools can be very effective in increasing sales and attracting new customers to shop at your store when used properly, and we are going to discuss about several ways you can use discounts effectively in this article.

Discounts are naturally very attractive to customers. Don’t believe what I say? See the kind of hype you can find at brick and mortar stores as well as online stores during the last Black Friday. There are literally thousands of customers lining up to purchase different products just because they know they will be getting substantial amount of discounts on the purchase. Add media publications and several promotional offers, and you have substantial increase of sales within your grasp. It is the ultimate example of how discounts can really influence people’s decision making process before purchasing something.

In online store, especially when the one you are running is not mature or financially strong yet, discounts can be given as vouchers for future purchases. This is actually very good since you are actually encouraging the first purchase as well as a possible repeat order or purchase of another item in the future. You wouldn’t have to allocate money to absorb the amount of discounts you are giving immediately because the voucher can only be used on future purchases.

To increase the affectivity of the discount model we discussed earlier, make sure you calculate the amount of discount you are prepared to give carefully and use jargons such as “Only available online!” to let people know that they will not find similar offer offline. You are simply sending stimulus that will persuade people to make the purchase as soon as possible.

Try out all in one ecommerce solution. Using okebro free online shop solution with cross domain technology you can make shop within any existing sites or blog.

Online Store: Free Shipping

A lot of new online store and businesses are being established each day. They are selling products from different categories and niches, with different offers and bargains to attract customers. If you are running an online business of your own, you need to be able to understand the way customers think to be able to attract them to make purchases on your ecommerce site. This is a lot easier if you are making online purchases yourself on a regular basis, since all you have to do is analyze your own decision making process on online purchases and implement points you see are making you come to the decision of making the purchase.

You may not notice this, but latest research proves that sites offering free shipping sell more products than sites that are not. Shipping costs may not be much at all, but people are considering free shipping as an emotional factor playing a huge part in making the decision to close the deal. Try visiting two online stores selling the same product — one with no shipping cost but slightly more expensive price tag and the other with shipping cost and lower price tag. Customers will generally opt for the one with no shipping cost even if the total cost is a couple of dollars lower for the site charging customers with shipping costs; psychologically or rather subconsciously, customers appreciate the store’s efforts to handle their shipping with no extra charges.

If you are not prepared to provide customers with free shipping offers, there are several alternatives you can take to enjoy similar effects. You can start with offering free shipping on large or bundled purchases; you will surely get more revenues so paying a little extra for your customer’s shipping and handling costs should not be a problem. You can also add the shipping and handling costs, or portions of them, to the price; make sure your products are still reasonably priced though, because some newbie internet marketers may think of adding the maximum amount of shipping charges – for the longest distance — they can find to their prices causing them to rise way above market average.

If you are looking for great free online shop service, visit OkeBro today. They offer ecommerce solution for all your needs. Make shop with easy, secure and fast.

Hidden Costs, Big Ecommerce Don’ts!

In several cases of new online stores, you may find it difficult to get the total of your purchase. The site is simply asking you to give your personal information first before knowing how much you have to pay for the products you are buying and shipping, handling, and other costs of the purchase. Several worse stores even oblige you to sign up for an account or login just to see the price of products you are interested at. In the world of online business, these kinds of practices are definitely something you need to avoid at all cost.

The owners of those ecommerce sites I talked about earlier deliberately add hidden costs to their customer’s total price. The hidden cost, aside from the purchase’s total being actually hidden from customers, is personal information. Dealing with online customers, asking them to give you their personal information without letting them have the kind of information they need to make the decision of whether they want to finalize the purchase is more or less similar to telling them to go to another online store to shop instead; such practices are driving customers away. Obliging customers to login just to see prices of available products is even more ridiculous; it may be an effort to gather customer data and create a subscriber list for email marketing, but such strategy is not effective in any way.

The right approach is to let customers know at all times how much the purchase will cost them. Make sure your customers can access their shopping cart easily and give detailed information about the price of the products customers are buying, discounts — if you are offering any — and handling costs, shipping costs, and of course the total amount of payment the customers need to pay if they want to finalize their purchase. The customers will objectively assess if the purchase is worth making, and they will finalize the deal anyway if they find your overall costs and total are acceptable. No need to use hidden costs just to influence customers to give away personal information, because by doing so you are dooming your own site.

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Customer Care for Ecommerce Sites

One of the most important aspects of online business you need to provide if you are opening an online store is reliable customer support. You can browse around or do some research to make sure that successful sites and online stores all have live helpdesk and 24/7 customer care available should customers need some assistances. In fact, good customer care and support are very important that you need to allocate some of your investments into creating a reliable support channels that customers can easily access.

Live helpdesk is definitely the most common customer care channel for ecommerce sites. Operators can assist customers online using web-based chat interface as well as several additional tools. If you are running the site on your won, make sure you allocate several hours a day to go live and be the support for your own site to increase your chances of attracting more customers. You can find live help platforms available online equipped with mobile interface, so you can manage your site using cellular phones at all times.

If you have enough money to invest in customer care, getting a toll-free number to allow your customers to contact you easily will help increase the quality of your site’s customer care substantially. Although it may cost you some money, having a toll-free number can also increase the overall image and credibility of your online business, which means more customers will trust you and make purchases at your site. The investment will be well worth it.

Last but not least, make sure the operators you are assigning to handle customer care know how to reply emails properly. Emails are definitely the most common customer care channel available, and it can easily be managed using simple web-based applications to increase response time. Never let your customers’ email stay unanswered for more than 48 hours, or even 24 hours, because they will surely think you are not as good as they thought and leave to make their purchase somewhere else. You will be losing a lot of money and potential sales just because you don’t reply customers’ emails quick enough.

If you are looking for great free online shop service, visit OkeBro today. They offer ecommerce solution for all your needs. Make shop with easy, secure and fast.

Choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform

Starting your own online business can be very exciting. I’ve started a couple of businesses and online stores myself and I still find the starting-up process very addictive and fun to go through. One of the things I love to remind new internet entrepreneurs is to select their ecommerce platform properly. There are a lot of ready-made platforms available to choose from, which means starting your own online store is just a matter of customizing the platform to suit your needs and providing information about the product you are selling. When you choose platforms, make sure you consider flexibility, ease of use, and of course search engine friendliness as important aspects the right ecommerce platform should have.

By choosing a flexible ecommerce platform or scrip you are simply making it easier for you, or a programming and design experts you are hiring to build and customize the site for you, to achieve the overall look of an online store you wanted; some products for certain niches may look a lot more appealing when you present them in a certain way, so make sure you are designing the site with your products in mind to make it effective.

You need to make sure the ecommerce script you are using is easy to use. Managing orders and customers’ data are handful of tasks on their own and having complicated platform to add will make managing your online business irrationally difficult. Make sure the script you are using supports automated payment and order tracking and is compatible with popular payment gateways. This will make the ordering process quite automated and all you have to deal with personally is shipping the products sold.

Last but not least, make sure the ecommerce platform you are using is search engine friendly. Customers are using search engines to find the product they are looking for, and having your site listed as search results will surely lead more potential buyers to the right page. With proper combination of information and search engine optimization, your online store will appear on the first page of the search results quite easily.

Try out all in one ecommerce solution. Using okebro free online shop solution with cross domain technology you can make shop within any existing sites or blog.

Website Copy for Ecommerce Sites

Webmasters are beginning to understand and appreciate the value of quality copy for their sites. A good sales copy can really persuade customers to buy the product after reading it, producing high conversion rate and more revenue for the site. Potential sales can also be lost if the sales copy you are using on your online store’s product page is just not catchy — or too catchy in several occasions — enough to arouse customers to make the purchase. Yes, website copy can be quite hard to create especially when you are aiming at great — highly converting — one. To help you get started, you need to understand the concept of customers’ decision making process and reflects them properly into your sales copy to create an appealing one.

Customers usually start with attention. They may hear about the product you are selling elsewhere or accidentally stumble upon your site while browsing around the internet. You are getting potential leads, and your first task is to create attention. Make catchy headlines and let the customers know the main benefit of getting your product. If they are interested, they will continue to search for information about the product and read the sales copy even further.

The next part of your sales copy needs to have the ability to generate interest. You want the customers to want your product enough that their attentions are caught and they are seriously considering getting your product. As soon as you provide them with enough information about advantages and benefits of the product to get them interested, mention aspects and reasoning that will make them move on to the third stage, desire.

When customers desire your product, they are one step away from actually closing the deal. Your focus should be to attract them with offers and promotional discounts that may encourage them to take action immediately. Old sales copies usually mention that the price will be upped in a matter of days, even hours, but this is no longer effective and you shouldn’t even use the trick. Just state enough beneficial offers to make them finally got to the fourth stage, action, and complete the purchase.

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Product Information: How Important Are They for An Online Store?

One of the biggest debates about aspects of an online store is product information. Not all sites provide more than enough information about the product they are selling, yet those sites providing less information are — at least according to their claims — enjoying substantial sales and revenues as well. Is product information really important? Believe me when I say that the answer to this question is a definite YES; we are going to discuss the why’s in this article.

Customers shopping online don’t really think about purchasing the product online at first. Large population of shoppers are using online stores and established online business to simply find information about the product; as soon as they make the decision to actually purchase the product, they visit the nearest brick and mortar store and get the item. However, there are ways to influence visitors’ decisions and make them finalize their purchases online. To be able to influence visitors and convert them to customers, you need to be able to make them stay at your ecommerce site long enough. The longer they stay and browse your site through, the more chances you will get to present offers and stimulus to influence them to make the purchase. What better ways you can find than providing them with tons of product information, right?

Providing enough product information will also benefit your online business because your site will be a lot more accessible. You already knew how search engines are constructing their results, and having your site listed on the first page of the search result of a product because you have a lot of information on the product will be a lot more beneficial than you think. You can get a lot of positive leads from the search engines, and all you have to do to enjoy that is provide enough information about the product you are selling in the first place.

Don’t forget to add photos to your product catalogues. Visual stimuli are way more effective than specification data, and a lot of customers are purchasing products because they love how the product looks.

If you are looking for great free online shop service, visit OkeBro today. They offer ecommerce solution for all your needs. Make shop with easy, secure and fast.

Testing Your Online Store

Building your very own online store is now very easy with the help of ready-made scripts and several affordable ecommerce services available. You can start your own store in a matter of hours, which is very fast if you compare it to how long it took to build similar site a few years ago. You can automate almost every step of making a purchase on your site with the help of integrated payment gateways and reporting features available on scripts commonly used. Supplying the product information and customizing the overall look of your online business to represent a sense of personalization may require a bit more efforts, but it shouldn’t be that hard at all.

While getting your online store up and running in a matter of hours can be done quite easily, you shouldn’t decide to launch it right away. It wouldn’t be wise to launch an online business before testing your online store to see if it is effective and user friendly. I found the best way you can actually test your online store is by gathering several basic internet users and have them browse through your site to see if they are interested by what they see

Technically, you need to invite criticism when you are testing your online business’s site. A good way to do this is to announce the testing at available webmaster’s forums available online and ask them to give their inputs and critics while they’re at it. Make sure you use advices and inputs you are getting from your test users to improve your site before actually launching it to the general public of internet.

You can also test your site to make sure it is appearing correctly in different browsers. This is important because different browsers interpret your site differently. If you want your site to be accessible to customers using different browsers, test it properly. If you are using Windows test your site using Mac OS and vice versa. After enough testing and improving, you can launch your online business with confidence and enjoy a new stream of income from your ecommerce activities.

Try out all in one ecommerce solution. Using okebro free online shop solution with cross domain technology you can make shop within any existing sites or blog.

Hosting Plan for Your Ecommerce Site

One of the most important aspects of setting up a new online business is choosing the right hosting plan to support it. Reliable hosting is everything if you are opening an online store just like gas is everything if you are using cars on a regular basis; it is what keeps your online store going. Picking the right hosting plan is a matter of getting the features you need from a reliable web hosting service provider at a reasonable price. Easier said than done? Not necessarily; here are some tips you can use to get started right away.

If you are selling tangible products, you don’t really need extensive server requirements to support your ecommerce site. All you need is a decent shared hosting plan with unlimited or unmetered monthly traffic quota and enough disk space to keep your site running. If you are selling digital products and you are hosting them on your own server — not third-party payment gateway or file hosting offering services for selling digital products — you may want to pay close attention to disk space too.

Make sure the hosting plan you are choosing have 99% or more uptime guarantee and that they have backup servers and internet lines to support the smooth operation of your site. Your online store needs to be accessible at all times or you will be missing out on lots of potential sales. Be careful when seeing 99% uptime guarantee because not all service providers compensate you if they fail to keep this particular promise.

You can also make sure the hosting plan you are getting has automated daily backup for no additional cost. You never know when your site will be damaged, and having backups will prevent such event from being catastrophic to the wellbeing of your online business. Customer data, sales transactions, and possibly the entire database of your site must be included in the regular backup routine as well.

It would be best to try the hosting service before using them, or at least make sure you are protected with 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.

start your online business with free online shop solution from okebro. Okebro provide you with ecommerce solution for make shop with easy.

OkeBro free online shop solution with cross domain technology

Are you looking for an easiest ecommerce solution ? Then you are at the right spot. OkeBro will help you to resolve your entire problem. OkeBro is basically a cross domain free online shop solution or you can understand it as one in all online shop solution with cross domain technology. Hence OkeBro will help you to prepare an online shop absolutely free of charge. You do not need to invest a single penny in it. Expert’s quote that OkeBro can be the best source for you to make a shop for buying and selling in one account, for both products and digital items. Is this is what you are looking for , then don’t hesitate. Just check out various services provided by OkeBro.
But before that let us see what exactly OkeBro provides us:
Okebro is a free and easy all in one e-commerce solution. This implies that services like: Free Hosting, Free Platform, Free Application, etc will be made available to you without any charge.
Another great feature of OkeBro is that it uses cross domain technology storefront. Most of you might not know about the benefits of it. Don’t worry we will explain it here. JavaScript storefront you can attach to multiple domains, blog, and website at the same time and turn this entire site into instant online shop as well. Isn’t it a great feature?
Another important feature of OkeBro is that it can be very effectively compete with the with virtual market to maximize your sales output. This is the feature which has made the people mad about OkeBro.
OkeBro provides all these service to you at free of cost. Hence it will not create any kind of pressure on your pocket. Hence there is no reason which holds you from using OkeBro to create an online shop.
These are just some of the attractive and notable features of OkeBro. There are various others waiting for you. So check them out as well.
There is a whole lot of people who are using the services of OkeBro and till now the feedback which we have received is awesome. OkeBro has made all of them satisfied with its vibrant features. Hence if you are serious about making an online store, then consider OkeBro as your first choice. I assure that you will not get anything better than Okebro in this sphere.

The dexterity of an e-commerce software

The dexterity of an e-commerce software can make or break your e-commerce business. E-commerce is hot and happening these days. So, what exactly happens to be e-commerce? In order to illustrate the true definition of e-commerce, allow me to state something else – the full form of e-commerce. It is electronic commerce. We are again backing to square one – what is an electronic commerce? Here is a straightforward explanation – commercial activities that are conducted electronically (i.e. with the aid of the internet). In the following passages, I will try to illustrate certain finer aspects about e-commerce software. In order to understand the functions of e-commerce software programs, we need to understand the importance of such software suites. The notion is simple – the software is programmed to conduct commercial activities (custom tailored to your needs). You will need to deploy the software on your e-commerce website. If you find the concept to be a bit hard, I will illustrate another subtle example. Consider a shop and a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper will look after the daily activities of the shop. In the same manner, an e-commerce software will be taking care of the e-commerce website. Looking at the existing niche of e-commerce software, any novice player is going to be confused. There are plenty of software suites, which claim to exercise the same function. If you are looking for a suitable software suite, you are free to choose from free e-commerce software and paid proprietary e-commerce software. Personally, I am not recommending which niche to stick to – both free and paid software programs have their share of advantages and disadvantages. If you can invest on some programming skill, then it is better to outsource the software development project – this will aid in deploying custom software on your website! A good e-commerce software will be having certain inherent features. They will be easier and faster to be deployed on an existing website. There is no room for errors in this niche – faulty software will result in considerable losses. The software suite must be robust enough to ward off hacking attempts. Hackers always attack such websites – plenty of people are purchasing products and much cash is rolling in the background. The adept in them are known to “channel the funds” to their own private bank accounts. If you are planning to host an e-commerce website, then ensure that the latest stable version of the software is deployed in the website. These days, webmasters who are hosting e-commerce websites are trying their level best to maximize the profits. Maximum profit can be realized by channeling more traffic (more people) into their websites. Out of 1000 people visiting the website, 100 might like the products/services rendered to them – they might choose to invest on them. In other words, the e-commerce software suite must be programmed so that the “search engine friendly nature” of the website is augmented manifold. When the website is listed among the top search results, more traffic will flow into the website!

Try out the all in one ecommerce solution – okebro. Using Okebro Cross Domain free Online Shop Solution you can turn any site into an online shop.

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What is your online shop engine ?

You want to make shop but you dont know where the appropriate place is? OkeBro is your destination. OkeBro is a cross domain online shop solution for both purchasers and vendors. With OkeBro, you can do you online shopping free of charge. No investment is essential. You simply need to click on http://www.Okebro.Com to find your ecommerce solution for both products and digital items.
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OkeBro is a cross domain free online shop solution. What I mean by cross domain is that it is a JavaScript storefront where you can get connected to several domains, blogs and websites to make it an online shopping solution. This is why we are diverse. You can have everything under the same roof with no cost. OkeBro is also known for being a virtual market to maximize your turnover. Every businessman wants a high turnover. As mentioned above, OkeBro connects you with peculiar a platform, that is it lets you attach multiple domains, blogs and domains so that you can make a good comparison under the same platform. A good comparison is very essential for maximize sales output.
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Another main issue of online users is security. OkeBro has got a Secure Login. Every time you login, you will see an SSL certificate by VeriSign. VeriSign is the leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority which grant user to login securely their account. It provides secure e-commerce, communications, and fundamental interactions for Web sites, intranets, and extranets. Thousands of millions time a day, VeriSign allows businessman to do secure transaction. VeriSign makes it ready to keep track of all your SSL Certificates and hold the security of your online services. VeriSign ensure the security of more than one million Web servers worldwide, more than any other Certificate Authority. Most important and secure companies have got VeriSign certificate which proves that VeriSign is the best concerning security. Remain tension free. OkeBro takes all your stress regarding security issues.
Now I think it must be clear why you should select OkeBro as your main source of e-commerce solution. All your shopping needs under one free platform and secure. Do not think elsewhere, get connected to http://www.Okebro.Com.
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OkeBro has got several categories like Business, Computer, Shopping and so on. If you are searching for e-commerce, you will find it in the business section. Okebro and at Okebro Market